Sunday, 6 October 2013

Technology Enhanced Active learning & Team Based Learning UK HESTEM community launch

The HEA funded community focussing on use of Technology to foster active learning and team based learning within HE STEM classrooms is officially launched now.

The community is open to all but will focus on STEM subjects being taught at HE institutions within the UK. The tag line really sums it all...

"Engaging students and their devices in classrooms :)"

The aim is really to start an ongoing dialogue between practitioners who wish to move away from information disseminating lectures to a more interactive and student centric future.

We hope you will join and generate discussion about Active Learning and Team based learning with others academics practitioners in the community which will have online presence via a blogroll of community members, twitter feed (@TEALTBL), facebook and G+ community.

These discussions will help form a self sustaining community representing and supporting STEM academics who wish to engage in active and team based learning.  The self sustaining community will continue discussions and collation of examples through an expanding blogroll and community activities like G+ hangouts.

Lectures have been the mainstay for many HE STEM lectures, the newly formed community will provide support to those seeking to move away from this to a more active teaching and learning methodology. Students use laptops and mobile devices in class often for the wrong reasons, we can change that and make classrooms more engaging and active.

We also have planned some very interesting webniars from the likes of Prof. Bob Beichner and Prof Eric Mazur and/or others who are pioneers within this field.

If you wish to join the community or share your work with others please get in touch. For details see
Our Community Site
Contact us via email

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